Data Challenges

Activity related to scientific data challenges.

As participant

Challenge to improve Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Predictions using Artificial Intelligence

The S2S-AI Data challenge was organized by the World Meteorological Organization. The goal was to apply Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for the improvement of subseasonal-to-seasonal precipitation and temperature forecasts. I participated as part of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center team. We reached second place.

As organizer

Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge

The Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge was a community-wide effort to compare algorithms for detecting exoplanets with ground-based high-contrast imaging. I led the design and implementation of this challenge (in collaboration with several members of the high-contrast imaging community) while I worked at the Grenoble Alpes Data Institute (Université Grenoble Alpes, France). A publication is available on ArXiv.
